Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I recently received a birth announcement in the mail from my sister and her husband announcing the birth of their daughter Mattea. For them, this is the fulfillment of their dreams. Naomi had suffered several miscarriages before having Mattea. As I looked at the photos, I could see in their eyes the pure joy. On the phone it is evident as well. Naomi is #5 of the 7 children my parents have. As a child she was shy and always willing to do things for others. She is a fabulous social worker who now has chosen to be at home with her child. Today she is a mother and a wife. She has grown into a beautiful woman. It is so wonderful to see her as a mom and to see things a bit through her eyes. She takes nothing for granted!

Today my brother Nick and his wife Mara had a daughter, Sofia Rose. Nick and Mara were married last July. Nick is two years younger than myself. We have watched him fall in love with Mara. It is amazing how I once looked at him as my brother, the boy who mercilessly teased me as a child. He is no longer that person. He is a man who loves a woman. He has become tender and thoughtful. He laughs. Today he is a father. Incredible!

I am overwhelmed with the blessings we have received as well. Children are truly a gift from God.

Thank you Lord for my family and for the blessings you have given all of us!


Fornicoia said...

Thanks so much! We will be looking to you for guidance! Soon Sofia, Rya, and Roman can play together!

Go Linds!

Fawn said...

Hey there!! Cograts on the new arrivals. Also I would like to thank you for posting photos of everyone. I sure do enjoy veiwing them. Hope you have a Great week.
Fawn :)